Doctor Reveals “Crystal Molecule” is One of the Key Causes Behind Your Slowing Mind, Memory Lapses & Brain Fog

You should pay attention when Congress tries to stifle a mind-boosting molecule…

Because this is exactly what they tried to do…

To a “crystal molecule” proven to help you EASE the struggles of an aging mind, like…

  • Misplacing your keys, wallet, and phone…
  • Forgetting your train of thought during conversations…
  • Frustrating occasional confusion, hazy head and brain fog…
  • Constantly feeling like you are repeating yourself all the time…
  • And, at times, being unable to recall past memories from your life anymore.
You see, while Woman’s World calls this molecule…

“A Fountain of Youth”1

… that works for both men and women…

Congress has attempted to ban this molecule from getting into the hands of the “everyday” people like you and me.2

Thankfully – they were unsuccessful…

But it still didn’t stop government agencies like the USADA, and the NFL and MLB from making their own moves against it.3

The reason why is because this mind-boosting molecule is so powerful that it can’t be distinguished from steroids.

To be clear; the “Crystal Molecule” is NOT an anabolic steroid.


It's naturally created by your body.

And when working correctly…

In abundant amounts…

You get to experience…

  • The same quick-witted, sharp mind you enjoyed in your twenties…
  • Optimal focus and concentration every single day…
  • Crystal clear thinking…
  • Rapid memory recall of important details, and…
  • An abundant amount of mental energy lasting the entire day.

The problem is, as we age, this “crystal molecule” starts to dwindle – contributing to your aging brain.
(But I’ll show you how to enhance an aging brain TODAY.)

My name is Scott Paglia

I’m a Bellingham-licensed and board-certified practitioner of East Asian Medicine.

Which means everything I’m going to show you today has been proven in the “real world” – in my clinic here in Washington State.

Almost everyday I’m contacted by those seeking to get the upper hand on their cognitive struggles…  
Such as…

  • Walking into rooms confused as to why they entered in the first place…
  • Occasionally misplacing their keys, wallet and phone…
  • Losing their train of thought during conversations…
  • Their inability to overcome very simple problems in their daily life, and…
  • Fearing that their cognitive ability is only going to get worse and worse as they age, leaving them completely ‘out of it’...

For a long time, I didn’t have the answers…

Yet as you’ll see today, I went on a journey to uncover a way ANYONE can easily and consistently boost their cognitive function.

It gets to the heart of why your “Crystal Molecule” declines as you age…

And makes it easier than ever to flood your brain with this mind-rejuvenating molecule.

Better yet, this is something you can do from the comfort of your own home…

And it doesn’t require countless pills or for you to be on any harsh diets or strenuous exercise programs.
So, please keep an open mind for the next few minutes and take a look at all the scientific proof with your own eyes…

What you’re about to discover will completely change everything you know about your aging brain – and reveal why it is possible to stay sharp as a tack no matter how old you get.

But first, I owe you a proper introduction.

As I said, my name’s Scott Paglia.

I’m a father of two beautiful daughters.

And I run one of the most respected herbal clinics here in Whatcom County, WA.

I’ve been in private practice serving the residents of Whatcom County for 23 years now, and over this time I have seen every type of patient and problem…

Which has given me a truly specialist perspective on what's causing these struggles, and most importantly, how to remedy them.

Frankly, this is one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever been able to do…

When you see someone who has been in complete misery and suffering for a long time finally become free…

The smile on their face is the best feeling you could ever imagine.

It’s the smile that says there’s peace and comfort now.

And this is the same smile I’d like you to have by the end of this short presentation today…

Because I want to show you that there IS a way out of your intellectual shrinkage, forgetfulness and brain fog…

Regardless of how bad you think you’ve become…

And regardless of what you’ve tried in the past…

In just a moment, I’m going to show how you can turn this thing around and regain the witty, sharp and focused mind that has been slipping away from you.

You see…

I’ve seen the worst cases of mental decline imaginable.

When I opened the doors to my clinic in 2000, I wasn’t seeing your simple cases of ‘brain fog.’

What I saw was a grim procession of people that had been to every single clinic in the state…

During these trips they are simply given the same old answers and are then sent on their way…

This would go on for years…

Only for their cognitive decline to get worse!

After all, symptoms of an aging brain start small…

You begin misplacing your keys, cell phone and glasses…

Which as we age, is fairly normal right?

But it starts to happen more frequently than you’re used to, and becomes more of a hindrance in your life…

Still, at this stage most people think there is nothing to worry about.

But this forgetfulness and lack of concentration starts getting a bit worse…

You find that you’re always mentally tired and ‘hazy’...

Even on the days where you’ve had enough rest.

However, it doesn’t stop there…


Some of the most well-spoken, eloquent people suddenly just start forgetting how to speak properly – it’s almost as if they become verbally ‘rusty’ seemingly overnight…

I was told by one patient in particular, Richard, that he felt as if his speech got much worse over the course of just a few months and couldn’t quite work out why…

He went from being the life and soul of the party, to becoming anxious to speak…

When I asked him why?

He said that whenever he was in conversation he’d often find himself losing his train of thought mid conversation, forgetting and mixing up people’s names who he’d known for years and quite literally getting things he used to know wrong.

For Richard, and yourself, it feels as though you’re stuck in a constant downward spiral that starts off small and gets worse and worse.

The worst part is, your loved ones start to notice and stop trusting you to do the simplest things you’ve done your entire life…

They may not say it directly to you to begin with, but you start noticing they shadow you…

When you drive somewhere – they want to be with you…

When you’re in the kitchen cooking – they want to be with you…

They even start keeping tabs of your appointments, your medication and what you have planned…

Look, this is done out of love and care. But it’s still an uneasy feeling to experience.

By this point…

A lot of folks hit their breaking point.

They’ve tried all of the “conventional” solutions like sleeping better… taking countless pills… and playing ‘brain training’ games daily.

Yet nothing has worked.

So they throw one final Hail Mary Pass and end up in my office…

And I’m so grateful they do – because…

Without seeing people in your shoes virtually every day…

I would have never gone on to discover the “Crystal Molecule” and how it can be used to revitalize your mind in no time at all.

See, when you have an abundant amount of “Crystal Molecules” in your body, it truly takes you back to your youth…

Remember the days when it felt like it was so easy to remember things and recall very obscure memories?

And when it also felt like you have all the energy in the world?

Well, the reason is simple, back then your “Crystal Molecules” were at their absolute best…

And when you get them back to their best (like I’ll show you how to do shortly)…

You’ll be able to have a clear vision of your future and have the mental capacity to start doing all of the things you’ve always desired…

Such as…

Being able to play golf during your retirement on those beautiful summer days…

Being confident in yourself in every social setting that you’re in because you know you have that quick wit to always be two steps ahead…

And knowing that you can continue to enjoy the comfort of your loved ones because you’re completely present in day to day life.

When your brain is operating at its best – it’s as if everything in life is a lot easier and starts falling into place…

You know that you’re competent enough to do anything you want, regardless of how old you get…

Because if you can mentally believe you can do something, the physical usually follows…

It’s the exact reason you see people in their 70’s still competing in marathons, it all comes down to their mental energy and clear thinking.

If there’s people that can go to that extreme – don’t you think it seems very reasonable for you to start enjoying your golden years exactly how they’re supposed to be lived?


It all stems from having a clear and fully functional mind – which is exactly what the “crystal molecule” gives you…

How can I be so sure?

Because on top of my state of the art Chinese medical school training…

I’ve spent the last two decades immersed in the natural healing medicine that’s been used successfully in other countries and cultures for centuries.

Specifically, Chinese medicine.

I spent five years learning from the great Dr. Tan, Dr. Chang and Bob Doane…

Under their guidance and experience, I’ve been introduced to vast swaths of 100% natural nutrients, herbs and molecules with medicinal properties.

I’ve brought them into my clinic…

And seen patients transform their lives…

"I immediately started feeling better. This is truly a holistic experience. They have changed my life!”


“Gave me back my life! It improved all aspects of my health, body and mind and has put me on the path to total health!”


“Scott has introduced me to a whole new world of health and wellness. It is wonderful to have an abundance of renewed energy!”


And it’s my traditional medicine experience…

Combined with the latest cutting-edge science from UCLA and University of Wisconsin…

That’s helped me discover a way ANYONE can rebalance their “Crystal Molecule”…

Unlocking the full mental clarity and thinking power of their brain.

Here’s everything that you should know about your intellectual shrinkage – and exactly how to take back control.

First, it’s crucial that you understand what’s going on in your brain.

As you may know already…

Your brain contains billions of tiny little nerve cells called neurons…

And these neurons have a very important job…

They carry messages and information throughout your brain.

Which means these neurons are responsible for helping you to remember small details…

Recalling information…

And thinking at your very sharpest.

Bottom line…

When your neurons are in perfect working order…

You’ll find that you’re always quick witted in conversation…

You’re able to recall memories from decades ago…

And your daily decision making skills are always in working order.

But the opposite is also true…

When these neurons aren't supported like they should be, you experience the symptoms you know all too well, like…

Forgetting where you put your keys, wallet or phone…

Constantly losing your train of thought during conversations…

And even finding yourself walking into rooms wondering why you entered them in the first place.

So the question is…

What stops your neurons from functioning optimally - causing you to feel like your brain is backed up with sludge…

For months, this was the ONLY thing on my mind.

Because after seeing many people just like you suffering, I felt like it was my moral duty to help as many of my patients as possible.

So I looked deep into the science of what's causing these instances of brain fog…

I knew I’d eventually find an answer backed by science and logic…

Something that would put an end to the misery and frustration suffered through by so many.

Eventually, I’m thankful to say that this led to a breakthrough discovery…

A major contributing factor behind your brain fog is the "crystal molecule" - a hormone called androstenolone.

If you haven’t heard of it before, don’t worry.

Most people haven’t.

But what you need to know is that…

Androstenolone is called the “Crystal Molecule” because at a microscopic level it looks like, well, a crystal!

More importantly, androstenolone is the most important hormone when it comes to your cognitive function.

See, in order for your brain to work like it did during your early 20s…

Your brain cells need to be constantly refreshed.

Which means, when a brain cell gets too “old”...

It’s broken down, removed and then replaced.

Crucially, each “old” brain cell needs to be replaced with a new brain cell.

That’s where androstenolone comes in….

Androstenolone is responsible for creating new brain cells – no matter how old you are!

This was revealed by groundbreaking research from the University of Wisconsin…

They found that neuronal cells that were exposed to just a single ‘dose’ of androstenolone saw a 29% increase in NEW brain cells…4

It does this by asking healthy, sharp brain cells to replicate…5

These cells then multiply…

Which helps to ensure your thinking is crystal clear…

Your memory is sharp, and…

Your focus is unbreakable.

Which explains why the media has already proclaimed that…

“[Androstenolone] Protects the Aging Mind”

– Prestigious Anti-Aging Publication, Life Extension6

And get this…

Through my research, I discovered that your androstenolone levels are highest in the morning…

Which is why you probably feel your sharpest in the hours just after you wake up.

This is probably true even now…

In fact, if you’re anything like the patients I see daily, then you probably try to cram as many daily tasks into this window as you can.

So – imagine if you could not just expand this window to fill your entire day…

But also feel like your brain is on fire – decluttered, clear and working smoothly.

Let me tell you… it’s possible.

And all you need to do is understand this major contributing factor behind your cognition struggles.

Your problems began when your levels of androstenolone started to decline.

And as your androstenolone levels fell…

You began to experience the problems you’re so familiar with.

Like losing your train of thought more often during conversation…

Misplacing things…

And feeling like you’ve constantly got a ‘foggy brain’ regardless of what you try to help it.

Bottom line…

When your androstenolone declines, your brain can’t create new brain cells at the rate it did when you were younger.

When I discovered this, it was like a lightbulb went off…

Suddenly the cognitive problems my patients were facing didn’t feel so insurmountable.

Because if a clouded mind... and thinking that feels like you're walking through mud... may just be the result of one hormone declining with age…
Then shouldn’t the remedy be as simple as just increasing that hormone?

This would also explain why getting plenty of sleep, taking countless pills and playing brain training games RARELY help.

None of them are actually addressing the deeper issue – how to support your androstenolone levels.
At this point I set out to discover how anyone could boost their androstenolone levels.

As it turned out, this would be my biggest challenge yet, because…

If you want to boost your androstenolone and support your faltering mind, you need to address the reason your levels may not be supported in the first place.

After months of looking at studies and scientific journals…

I eventually came to the natural conclusion of my research…

The reason your androstenolone levels are dropping the way they are (and likely have been for decades)...

Is down to one more hormone you’re familiar with…


Also known as the “stress hormone”.

See, researchers from UCLA and Montreal Neurological Institute recently found that androstenolone and cortisol are “antagonistic”.7

In plain English, it means that when one is high, the other is low. So…

As your cortisol levels rise
… which they do naturally as you get older8
… your levels of androstenolone decline.

And this isn’t just a small decline…

According to Mount Sinai Health System, New York, androstenolone levels peak at about age 25…9

Then tumble sharply as you age…

By the time you’re 70 to 80 years old, your androstenolone levels are only 10% to 20% of what they used to be.

And THIS right here is why your mind seems to be spiraling downwards…

Your brain doesn’t have enough androstenolone to refresh and replace your aging brain cells.

It’s why you walk into a room and forget why you entered…

It’s why you can’t recall someone’s name, even though it’s on the tip of your tongue…

And it’s why most of your day is spent feeling tired, groggy, and slow…

It’s shocking, I know.

Again, your cortisol levels increase as you age.

There’s no getting around this.

And it’s especially true if you’ve spent a career working long hours in a demanding job…

Or if you’ve raised a family…

Or if you’ve spent any time whatsoever frustrated, angry, and feeling hopeless about your current mental state…

These examples ALL cause you untold amounts of stress – and have obviously pushed your cortisol levels higher and higher.

But there is good news…

By addressing your cortisol levels, you can increase your androstenolone and revitalize crystal-clear thinking.

Of course, as someone who works with natural healing methods day-in day-out at my practices…

I would love to say you could meditate your way to a healthy, thriving brain.

Unfortunately, your androstenolone has been declining for decades…

So it’s going to require something stronger than getting a massage from your partner or taking a vacation to Mexico…

Thankfully, I’ve worked with the most potent therapeutic ingredients for almost my entire career…

And when I had finally seen all of the science I’ve just shared with you…

I knew I had the answers to turning back the clock on your aging brain…


Being quick witted in every conversation again…

Going to the grocery store without a list, knowing exactly what to get off the top of your head…

Being completely present and even one step ahead in every conversation you have…

Having the sheer focus and energy to complete any task given to you at work or even jobs around the house…

And being able to see your grandkids grow up and have a grandparent they can truly rely on.

This is possible once you consume just a handful of rare minerals and herbs that have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

I’m going to share these nutrients with you now.

It won’t surprise me if you’ve heard of some but not others…

The mainstream is only just acknowledging that you can find natural ways to help certain ailments.

But this is what I’ve known for two decades now.

And what I’ve also known over this time is that not all nutrients are made equal.

So, after I tell you about the nutrients that will help you get the upper hand on the symptoms of your aging brain…
I’ll also tell you about a way you can access these nutrients in their most potent, active and safe forms.

Sounds good? Then let’s not waste another minute. Let me tell you all about…


Litio is a mineral like copper or iron…

And it plays a vital role in the health of the brain and most importantly, cortisol regulation

Case in point, one study published by the National Library of Medicine, involving 53 subjects, looked at Litio’s direct impact on cortisol…10

After rigorous testing, they saw cortisol levels fall by as much as 27%...11

Naturally, this caught my eye, so I looked a bit deeper…

And found even better results…

In another study published by The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, the researchers saw cortisol levels tumble by a staggering 70%...12

Concluding that “There is a strong negative correlation between Litio and plasma cortisol levels.”

Remember, these hormones are antagonistic…

Which means when cortisol decreases…

… androstenolone increases…

And your brain can start to refresh its cells – helping you regain the kind of fast-firing brainpower you’ve missed for so long.

Which is why…

We’re already seeing cutting-edge science showing just how effective Litio is.

One study recently revealed that Litio not only supports the growth of new brain cells…

But it also supports your gray matter density.13

Which is good because gray matter is a crucial part of the brain that helps you learn new things and make better decisions.

This helps to explain why scientists would go on to put Litio through a series of extreme experiments…

… designed to test it in the most challenging circumstances.

See, by this point, researchers already knew just how powerful Litio can be when it comes to revitalizing a sluggish brain...

Well, you don’t need to imagine…

Because a recent study by the researchers from the likes of Cambridge University, England…15

Showed that brain cells acted much "quicker" after taking Litio...

This is so important because quicker brain cells mean…

  • QUICKER memory recall…
  • QUICKER thinking…
  • QUICKER time it takes to focus…
  • And so much more!

So after seeing so much hard proof, I decided that before I start recommending Litio to my patients…

I would see if Litio worked first-hand, so I decided to act as the “guinea pig”...

See, at 52, I often find myself becoming more and more mentally fatigued in the late afternoons…

Even more fatigued than I was during the intense days of Chinese medical school…

It couldn’t hurt to try Litio out for myself…

So that’s what I did.

And just a week later, I started noticing I could easily power through my afternoon slump…

Not just once or twice…

But every single day!

Naturally, my next thought was that I needed to start getting Litio in the hands of all of my patients who are having trouble with brain fog.

But I didn’t want to stop here with just Litio…

I wanted to provide my patients with an entire arsenal of cortisol-reducing, brain-enhancing ingredients…

To give them the highest chance at having a sharp mind for as long as possible.

This needed to be a long term solution, not a quick fix…

Which leads me onto the next ingredient in the formula…


Often called “The Queen of Herbs,” Holy Basil is native to the tropics of South Asia.

But this isn’t the kind of basil you’d simply season food with…

The National Library of Medicine shows that Holy Basil helps your mind cope with many types of stress – including cortisol…

In fact, the study showed that Holy Basil lowered stress levels by up to 39%!16

And, as I’ve said over and over…

When your stress hormone – cortisol – declines…

Your Crystal Molecule – androstenolone – increases…

Turning back the hands of time on your aging mind.

Which is why, in another study published in the National Library of Medicine, Holy Basil produced a 37.5% cognitive improvement compared to a placebo group…17

Which literally means, by taking holy basil, you’re able to become more mentally sharp when it comes to your day to day problem solving skills…

You can be that much confident that you will always be making correct decisions for yourself and loved ones.

With just these two ingredients – Litio and Holy Basil – I’d be confident that anyone could regain the brainpower of their youth…

But the curious doctor in me had to keep pushing…

I wanted to make the most comprehensive formula possible.

Which is how I would eventually discover the third miracle ingredient in my formula…


Known as Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, or GABA for short…

It’s a naturally-occuring amino acid and plays an important role in improving cognitive ability and lowering cortisol…

In a study published by the National Library of Medicine, GABA was found to reduce cortisol levels by 28.7% compared to the control group...18

Which is why, by now, it won’t surprise you that GABA can supercharge your mental abilities…

One study conducted in Japan gave GABA daily to two groups of 60 healthy adults over the age of 40…

The results showed that taking GABA led to significantly better test scores for memory AND attention.19

Another study focused on “information retrieval”...

Meaning, your ability to remember names, faces, or simply why you entered a room…

And they found that taking GABA led to a 39% improvement.20

Which means you’ll never find yourself halfway through a conversation and forgetting what you were about to say next.

In fact, with just these three nutrients…

You’ll begin to remember doctors appointments, birthdays and events with ease again…

Have the confidence that you’ll always make better informed decisions not only for yourself, but for your family…

And finally know that you can maintain your own independence and be there for your loved ones (instead of the other way around).

But I wanted to make it even better…

So I added the “Calming Herb” into the formula...


This herb is native to North Africa and West Asia, and has been used to enhance memory stretching back to over 1,000 years ago…

A study by the University of Northumbria found that taking lemon balm eased the effects of psychological stress (AKA, cortisol) by a staggering 25.6%

Which, like a domino effect…

Helps to improve the memory performance of test subjects…22

While also producing a wave of calmness that will sweep over you.23

So at this point in my discovery I was extremely happy. Not only was every nutrient backed by hard logic and science…

But I was still taking the nutrients myself – and I felt a mental sharpness, memory recall and a boost in overall energy that I hadn’t experienced in decades.

This was clearly something big.


Being a perfectionist, I also added a few more ingredients to the formula – as finishing touches...

L-Theanine – an important amino acid that naturally lowers the body’s cortisol levels.24 One recent study found that L-theanine improved reaction time and working memory among people aged 50-69 years old by up to 9.71%.25

Magnesium – used by your body to remove excess cortisol and noticeably increases acute cognitive function.27

Ashwagandha – an Indian shrub that reduces cortisol levels.28 Research from Texas A&M University found that after 30 days of taking ashwagandha, patients saw an improvement in cognitive ability, visual memory and reaction time by as much as 29%.29

Vitamin B6 – shown to reduce levels of stress, thus lowering your cortisol levels.30

American Skullcap – used to treat anxiety and lowers stress levels31 while also boosting mood WITHOUT lowering energy levels.32

This powerhouse combination of natural brain cortisol reducing, brain enhancing ingredients in combination is the ticket you need to regain the witty, sharp and strong memory of your youth…

They all work hand-in-hand and give you the best chance when consumed together.

The best part about all of this?

They're all completely natural, scientifically proven and you won't experience the nasty annoyance of constantly taking pills.

With my Crystal Molecule-Boosting formula perfected…
… I was ready to begin sharing it with my patients.

I got in contact with my patients who had the worst experiences with their aging mind.

I told them what I had been doing…

And what I had created.

Naturally, every single patient agreed to try out this formula of minerals and herbs.

So I sent it over to them and waited.

As the days went by, I was expecting my phone to start ringing non-stop.

Except, it didn’t.

I started to doubt the power of these ingredients – despite feeling their benefits for myself AND reading through all of their studies.

But then, shortly after... everything changed.

One-by-one, my patients started to call…

They told me they were thinking more clearly than ever before…

That their memory recall was dramatically fast…

And they could hold long conversations about even the most complex topics!

Plus, they all said the same thing…

“This Crystal Molecule-Boosting formula is AMAZING! How can I get more?”

This was my next problem.

You see, all of these ingredients in their purest form are extremely hard to get…

Sure – you can get knock offs a lot cheaper.

But these knock offs are often less potent and sometimes dangerous.

If you want the results that I’ve shared with you today, you need to secure the highest-quality nutrients possible.

The first batch I had created was very expensive…

Frankly, I had spent a lot of money to source and mix the ingredients – and I couldn’t afford to keep doing that.

But at the same time…

I wasn’t going to stand around and let my patients run out of the Crystal Molecule-Boosting formula…

And risk more frequent frustrating episodes.

For this to work, we had to discover a way for all of my patients to have easy access to these ingredients…

Without breaking the bank…

In the perfect dosages…

And in a way where they can be consumed in no time at all.

So you can get the best results in as little time as possible.

This was easier said than done, but I felt an intense responsibility to pull it off regardless of what it was going to take…

After months and months of research trying to do this thing myself – I soon found out that it was going to be impossible on my own…

So I began looking for someone who specializes in sourcing and manufacturing herbal formulas…

I had the highest standards possible.

I DIDN’T want to work with anyone who cut corners or cheaped-out on the nutrients.

Eventually, I found a state-of-the-art company here in the US…

Who agreed to source and manufacture my formula – at a price anyone can afford.

I left it with them and went back to running my practice.

While I looked calm on the surface, I was a nervous wreck…

Because the development process felt like an eternity.

As each day went by, I would be refreshing my email inbox constantly…

Just waiting for confirmation that we could go ahead and start production so we could get this in the hands of as many of my patients as possible.

Finally, it happened.

Production had begun and the first batch would be with me within a week.

Since then, we’ve seen incredible results from our patients here in Washington…

And we’re now ready to take it nationwide…

So if you’ll let me…

I’d like to introduce the ONLY formula designed to boost your  “Crystal Molecule”... 
… Allowing your brain cells to “refresh” themselves…
… Delivering a rejuvenated mind and crystal clear thinking…

NeuraLift is an American-made, natural formula specifically designed to lower your cortisol levels…

While simultaneously supporting your androstenolone levels.

This is the only product on the market specifically designed to target a major factor behind your intellectual shrinkage, memory challenges and foggy brain…
Without changing your lifestyle and without breaking the bank.

With NeuraLift, you will start to regain the sharp, witty and strong memory of your youth – quicker than you ever thought possible!
And this will happen regardless of how old you are…

How bad your brain fog is…

Or even what you’ve tried in the past.

Because NeuraLift is developed with the latest cutting-edge science combined with the best of traditional herbal medicine…

In other words, this is not your typical health product you see on the market.

It’s specifically developed to lower your cortisol levels…

While also raising and supporting your androstenolone levels…

Because as you already know…

Until this problem has been addressed, nothing you try will help your sluggish brain.

The NeuraLift formula is made in a GMP-certified facility located right here in the United States…

This ensures that every single capsule is highly regulated and goes through a rigorous quality control to ensure it is at the purest standard for maximum effects.

Just take a second to imagine…

Being able to tell stories like you once used to without getting caught up on your words and losing your train of thought…

Being able to drive on your own to do the groceries without your family worrying for you all of the time…

And having a predictable future where you’ll be able to enjoy your golden years and enjoy the beauty of life.

So, in order for you to regain the sharp memory you once had…

It’s important you pay close attention so that you can get the absolute best out of NeuraLift…

See, while many of my patients have reported improvements shortly after beginning to take NeuraLift…

You want to be taking NeuraLift for at least 3 months…

Yet for the best results possible, you’ll want to take NeuraLift for at least 6 months.

The reason why is simple…

Your cortisol has been rising for decades – suppressing your androstenolone.

This is why you’ve seen a steady fall in your memory recall, focus, and ability to hold a conversation.

So the truth is; when a problem is as ingrained as yours is…

The change back to normal can take time.

Rest assured, once you’ve addressed your androstenolone – your brain cells will begin to “refresh”...

They’ll just need time.

Which is why I always recommend you secure as large of an order of NeuraLift possible as you can today.

It’s the only way I can promise you the best results.

And to help you make this decision, I’m going to hand you an incredible discount.

But first, I must warn you…

Unfortunately, we’re not sure how long NeuraLift will remain available for…

I wish it wasn’t so.

But as you’ve seen today, the Crystal Molecule – Androstenolone – has been under attack by Congress and the mainstream for a while.

There’s no guarantees they won’t renew their attempts to stifle this information.

So I urge you to secure your order of NeuraLift today – while you still can.

But this isn’t the only reason.

See, now that folks just like you are hearing about the major contributing factor behind their sluggish brain - and the natural, inexpensive solution to counter it…

Demand for NeuraLift is extremely high – which means availability is first come, first serve.

And since this website right here is the ONLY place you can order NeuraLift…

It’s very common for our customers to order at least a 3 or 6 month supply to ensure they can get the best results possible from NeuraLift.

But if you truly want to go forward in life being able to recall old memories, be quick witted in conversation and always have plenty of mental energy…

We highly recommend you take NeuraLift for as long as possible…

Remember, your best chance at regaining the sharp mind you once had is to keep your cortisol levels low so that your androstenolone can support your brain function.

Once you start taking NeuraLift as part of your daily routine…

You will never have to feel like you’re losing all your independence and need to be cared for 24/7.

Imagine living life exactly how you wish to live it…

Without the fear of further intellectual shrinkage.

You would get to enjoy a future where you’re able to create more and more memories with your family…

A future where you can enjoy all the things you’ve wanted to do in your golden years…

And a future where your grandkids have a grandparent that they can rely on.

Which is why I want to ask…

How much would this future be worth to you and your loved ones?

It’s not your fault you’re in this position…

But when you consider the "price" you pay for continuing how you are with memory difficulties, foggy brain and low mental energy…

And how effective NeuraLift continues to be for people just like you…

A modest investment into our health and future for just $149 would be very reasonable.

But as you’re a reader today and on this website only…

We’re offering you a huge discount.

See, it’s my life’s mission to help as many people just like you regain the sharp, witty and strong memory of your youth…

And for that reason, if you order today only, you can get yourself a month’s supply of NeuraLift…

For just $2.25 per day…

Or $69.

But that’s just the start of the discount I want to give you…

Remember, there’s no guarantee that NeuraLift will be around forever.

I could run out of stock or Congress could renew its assault on the “Crystal Molecule”.

For this reason, I decided to create a multi-bottle discount plan – saving you even more money on top of the existing discount!

If you order a 3-month supply today…

You’ll not only see better results than just a single bottle, but you’ll also pay just $1.63 per day…

That’s $49 a bottle– or a $300 savings.

But if you order a 6-month supply…

You’ll see the best results possible – and pay the smallest amount per bottle as well!

A 6-month supply costs just $1.30 per day.

That’s just the low price of $39 a bottle – and $660 in total savings.

Plus, when you order a 3- or 6-month supply…

ALL shipping and handling costs are completely FREE for you today as well.

Which is further savings of $9.95.

And if a huge discount isn’t enough, then let me also put all of the risk on my shoulders – and NOT yours.

Your order comes with an automatic, iron-clad 180-day, 100% money-back GUARANTEE

I am so confident in NeuraLift, that I’m going to take all the risk today.

When you place your order, you’ll be automatically enrolled in our 180-day guarantee.

Which means, if you want a refund for any reason, we’ll happily provide you with one.

All you have to do is email our U.S. based 24/7 customer support team and they will send a full refund to you immediately.

You won’t even need to send any of the bottles back.

We’ll simply return your money and part ways as friends.

And by the way…

180 days is almost a full 6-months…

So you can go ahead and order the largest supply possible – for the best results and biggest discount possible – risk-free.

Because let’s say the worst case scenario happens…

You give NeuraLift a try for almost 6-months and don’t see any results…

Which is very RARE and almost unheard of…

Well, simply email my team and we’ll refund you 100% of your money back. No questions asked.

It’s impossible for you to “lose.”

But it is VERY possible – in fact, highly likely – for you to “win” and reinvigorate your brain.

So go ahead and select your preferred package below.

Take back control of your memory and your independence by selecting your preferred package right away.


1 Bottle





Savings: $80


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee



6 Bottles





Savings: $660
Total $234


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee


3 Bottles





Savings: $600
Total $147


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee

After choosing your package you will be taken to a 100% secure and fully encrypted checkout page.

We have worked with the smartest cyber-security providers to ensure the safety of and security of your credit card information.

This is the same technology used by the likes of Amazon, Walmart and some of the biggest banks in the world.

Once you have entered your credit card details, your NeuraLift capsules will be carefully inspected by our quality control team and will then be shipped to your doorstep and will arrive within the next 4 to 7 days.

So this is it – it’s time to take control of your health and future…

You can regain the sharp,witty and strong memory of your youth just like my patients and thousands of other people who take NeuraLift…

Frankly, this is the smartest investment you could ever make for your health and quality of life.

You can finally say goodbye to cognitive decline and all of the problems that it brings…

  • GOODBYE to forgetfulness…
  • GOODBYE to losing your train of thought…
  • GOODBYE to mental confusion…
  • GOODBYE to low energy…

By taking NeuraLift, day by day, you will gradually decrease your cortisol levels and support your androstenolone levels…

Which will leave you feeling sharp, quick-witted and mentally energetic.

But you must order today – for all the reasons I’ve explained today.

Go ahead and choose what NeuraLift package you would like, while they are still in stock…

While Stocks Last:

Select your preferred package below by clicking “add to cart”.


1 Bottle





Savings: $80


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee



6 Bottles





Savings: $660
Total $234


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee


3 Bottles





Savings: $600
Total $147


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee

It’s Now Time to Make a Decision That Will Shape Your Life…

Option 1

You can ignore all of the proof and studies mentioned throughout this presentation and continue as you have been…

Living a life of complete frustration and uncertainty…

Feeling like you’re only getting worse and worse…

Missing out on so many memories you can look back on and cherish…

That’s not a life at all.

Especially when I have shared how it changed my patients lives along with many of our other happy customers who have turned from skeptics to our most loyal fans.


Option 2

You finally take control of your life.

By securing your supply of NeuraLift straight away, you’ll see just how amazing it is living a healthy life without constant mental confusion…

  • No more needing a list when you visit the grocery store…
  • No more having your spouse act as your permanent supervisor 24/7…
  • No more feeling like you’re stuck in a box unable to do the things you love in life like golf or traveling…
  • And no more avoiding social settings, missing out on treasured memories and happiness…

Now it’s time to make a decision…

Please don’t ignore all of the proof you’ve heard today and continue to be a victim to cognitive decline…

Because a life of forgetfulness and constant mental confusion is no life at all.

Especially when you now know about the ingredients in NeuraLift that are proven to lower your cortisol and support androstenolone.

So go ahead and claim your order for NeuraLift by choosing from one of the packages below.

Remember, each package is protected by a 180-day money back guarantee, where there is absolutely no risk on your side at all.

Say “YES” to a future filled with fond memories, great conversation and lightning-fast thinking.
Choose your package below.


1 Bottle





Savings: $80


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee



6 Bottles





Savings: $660
Total $234


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee


3 Bottles





Savings: $600
Total $147


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee

NeuraLift has changed the lives of thousands of people and can do the exact same for yours too…

Thank you so much for spending time with me today reading this educational presentation…

I can’t wait to hear about your happiness and success using NeuraLift.

I can’t wait for you to try the brand new NeuraLift formula for yourself – risk free!

However, if you’re still on the fence – here’s some common questions people ask…

1. What are the full list of ingredients inside the NeuraLift formula?

All of our ingredients have been handpicked because science has proven them to be beneficial to lowering your cortisol, thus increasing your “Crystal Molecule” – Androstenolone.

By boosting androstenolone, you'll be able to arrest your intellectual shrinkage - and experience feeling as sharp as you did in your 20’s.

2. Is it safe?

Yes, absolutely. NeuraLift is fully compliant with GMP safety standards. And it’s used by thousands of people around the world every day.

4. How long should I take it?

You should take two capsules daily, ideally with a meal. And the longer you take NeuraLift, the more powerful the effects become.

That’s why I recommend taking NueraLift for at least 90 days – for the best benefits.

5. How long before I see the benefits?

It takes time for your cortisol levels to drop. But not too long!

Within the first month, you should be seeing great results. We’re talking a sharper mind, better memory recall and ability to keep up in conversation.

But the results only get better with time.

Which is why we always recommend selecting a 6-bottle supply.

6. How do I get the biggest discount possible?

It’s easy! Just order the 6-bottle option.

7. How do I get started?

Select your package below to be taken to a secure order form.

Then, submit your payment details.

Once we’ve received your order, we’ll ship your NeuraLift order that same day. You can expect to receive it in 2-3 days from when you order.


1 Bottle





Savings: $80


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee



6 Bottles





Savings: $660
Total $234


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee


3 Bottles





Savings: $600
Total $147


100% No-Risk
Money Back Guarantee






5 “What we saw was that DHEA significantly increased the division of the cells,”






11 Percentage decrease from 661 to 480. Numbers from table 2.



Nunes MA, Viel TA, Buck HS. Microdose lithium treatment stabilized cognitive impairment in patients. 2013 Jan;10(1):104-7.



(11 - 8) / 8 x 100% = 37.5%



20 Eyeballing figure 3. 43→ 60.


Modulation of cognitive performance was reflected both in improved memory performance. ‘Calmness’ was also improved for the higher doses.









31 However, as S. lateriflora significantly enhanced global mood without a reduction in energy or cognition,